Bethany's having a party and your invited!
What was your age when you first discovered your love of yarn? What (or who) was it that introduced you to all that fibery goodness?
I think I was about 8 or 9 my Mom used to knit, I always loved watching her. She was very patient trying to teach me how to knit, but it wasn't until I was married and on my own that I really took up the needles and have been knitting ever since.
2. If you could sit down with anyone in the world to have a little knit along, who would it be?
All of the wonderful friends that I have met in the loom class.
3. What is your favorite comfy place or position in which to work with yarn?
I really don't have a favourite place, just pick up the loom and sit down wherever.
4. Like our heroin in the story below, do you ever dream about soft fuzzy goodness? Or how to do a particular technique you’d never thought of while awake?
I always dream about learning new techniques and different stitches.
5. What type of loomer/knitter/crocheter are you? Do you like long involved projects, or quickies full of fast satisfaction?
I like looming both type of projects.
6. Have you ever guiltily postponed dinner due to your involvement with a project?
I plead guilty to this, more than once!!!
7. What is your ultimate goal in your yarn life?
To live life to fullest and always be patient and caring to others.
8. Do you have a favorite snack you like to munch while working with yarn?
9. What is your all time most favorite yarn tool/accessory that you absolutely could not live without?
10. What is your favorite movie?
Gone with the wind.
11. What is your favorite book as an adult…and what was yours as a child?
Black Beauty as a child and Sylvia Brown books as an adult.
12. What are you working on right now with your yarn?
I working on Christmas decorations for the grandchildren.
13. Is there a special project that you’ve been just dying for someone (or yourself) to design?
A lacy looking sleeveless summer top.
14. Did someone invite you to join in on the party today?
Learned about it from the group messages.