Thursday, June 19, 2008

Below are some of the latest class projects I have been working on:

The latest of my finished projects is the Head Band Class by Crystal. I know I will be doing a lot more of these for my granddaughters. I am using a glitter knitting yarns and they are turning out really nice. They are so quick and easy to knit up, and the grandchildren will love them, thanks Crystal for this class.

The Kiss Loom Baby Sweater, booties and hat, the sweater was converted to the red knifty knitter, booties to the 17 peg bootie loom and hat was done on the blue knifty knitter for the class contest, which I came first place in, yeah, have never won a contest before or anything for that matter, so I am absolutely geeked out over this.

Wanda's pigtail hat, turned out really nice the blue is done on the green knifty knitter and the red was done on the red knifty knitter.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Since I have had a few inquiries about the tin can loom, (pictures below) I thought I would put the instructions here as to how I made them.

Small tomato paste can (this was used to make the little socks and ruffled baby booties)

15 cotter pins.

I marked evenly around the can approximately ½ inch between pegs, and then I applied a small amount of Super Glue and attached the pegs to this. Let the glue dry over night then added a strip of heavy duty packing tape around the bottom of the pins for extra measure and it also keeps the wool from getting caught on the bottom of the pins.

I also have one that is made out of a PVC pipe, (pictured below, which has 17 pegs), and one that I will be making into a flower loom this is made the same way, except that I found that small wooden dowels work better on this than the cotter pins. Mark your spaces evenly around the pipe at the gauge you want, add a small drop of glue where you want your pegs to go and attach pegs, one at time, allowing to dry (then you won’t accidentally knock one off while your putting the next one on). Let glue dry completely and your new loom is ready is use.

Depending upon the size of PVC pipe or tin can you make various size looms in various gauges.

I plan on going back to the hardware store and picking up one to make a thumb loom, and who knows what other sizes I’ll come up with.

Happy Looming

Monday, June 2, 2008

My latest finished loom class project. Melissa's Sweet Feet Booties. Thanks Melissa for a really great class and cute bootie pattern. Once I got started on them, I just kept on going. They are so cute.

Visit Melissa's site here:


Below are a few other home made looms that I have made. These are easy to make and work really well. The rolls of packing tape were bought at the dollar store and I just measured out where i wanted the pegs and hammered them into the roll of tape. I was impressed the pegs don't move at all when knitting on them. The tin can looms are made out of various sizes of cans, measured out where I wanted the pegs and super glued them on then added some packing tape to cover the bottom of the pegs.