Monday, February 25, 2008

My Strawberry Sundae Hat, from the Loom Class. This was a fun project to do. Thanks Robin for this wonderful class! Even managed to master my fear of the dreaded crochet hook, crochet is not something that I have done too much of and found this be a real challenge, but with a little patience, I found that I could do it.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

My lastest finished project, from the Loom Class - These are fun to do. Think I will make them in a variety of flavours. Thanks Jenny for this class.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Latest Finished Project

Just finished the Ribbon Scarf. Being a cancer survivor myself (going into year 11), I choose the pale pink colour for my scarf.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Have added a slideshow of projects that I have completed. I have only been using the Knifty Knitter since just before Christmas. The most that I had done on them at that point was scarves for Christmas presents. Then I found all these wonderful groups on Looming and have learned that there is a lot more I can do with them than just scarves and hats! Some of the projects here are ones that I have done with the Loom Class.